Saturday 25 February 2017

 MVC Review:-
1)    What program is called by the URL (Request)
2)    Where do you specify the default controller and action method to call?
3)    Given some URL name the controller and action mIethod
4)    How do you create views. How to name the views?
5)    How do you pass data to the view?
6)    How do you specify that a view receives an Object or Multiple Objects?
7)    What concept will you use if you want to display information from multiple classes in a View?
8)    What are the various steps involved in creating a Database and tables.
9)    Creation of tables failed. Apart from checking if the database is closed what else must you do?
10)     What other pages are returned along with the View?
11)     How do you control the header and footer of all the pages?
12)     Where do you specify the style sheet?
13)What  is  the  use  of modelBuilder.Conventions.Remove<PluralizingTableNameConvention>0?
14)     How do you specify the relationship between classes(or tables)?
What is the use of ViewBag property?